Arizona is known for its warm, sunny weather, but with summer temperatures soaring to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it also brings with it a variety of bugs and pests. These bugs can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose a risk to your health and cause damage to your property. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common bugs in Arizona during the summer months and discuss ways to prevent and control them.


Ants are one of the most common bugs found in Arizona during the summer months. They can invade homes and businesses in search of food and water and can be difficult to control once they establish a colony. The most common species of ants in Arizona are Argentine ants, carpenter ants, and harvester ants.

To prevent ant infestations, it is important to keep your home clean and free of food crumbs and spills. Store food in airtight containers and wipe down countertops and floors regularly. If you do have an ant problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you identify the species and develop a plan for elimination.


Cockroaches are another common bug in Arizona, and they are particularly prevalent in the summer months. They are attracted to warm, humid environments and can be found in homes, businesses, and outdoor areas. Common species of cockroaches in Arizona include American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches.

To prevent cockroach infestations, it is important to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and pipes, and store food in airtight containers. If you do have a cockroach problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you identify the species and develop a plan for elimination.


Mosquitoes are a common pest in Arizona during the summer months. They breed in standing water and can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk and can be found in outdoor areas such as patios, decks, and swimming pools.

To prevent mosquito bites, it is important to wear long sleeves and pants when spending time outdoors, and use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin. Eliminate standing water around your home and cover pools and hot tubs when not in use. If you do have a mosquito problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you develop a plan for control.


Scorpions are a common pest in Arizona, and they can be particularly dangerous due to their venomous stings. They are most active at night and can be found in outdoor areas such as rocks, woodpiles, and debris. Common species of scorpions in Arizona include Arizona bark scorpions, desert hairy scorpions, and striped tail scorpions.

To prevent scorpion stings, it is important to wear shoes and protective clothing when spending time outdoors, and to shake out clothing and bedding before use. Eliminate clutter and debris around your home, and seal cracks and crevices in walls and floors. If you do have a scorpion problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you identify the species and develop a plan for control.


Spiders are a common pest in Arizona during the summer months, and they can be particularly dangerous due to their venomous bites. Common species of spiders in Arizona include black widows, brown recluse spiders, and wolf spiders.

To prevent spider bites, it is important to wear shoes and protective clothing when spending time outdoors, and to shake out clothing and bedding before use. Eliminate clutter and debris around your home, and seal cracks and crevices in walls and floors. Keep your home clean and free of spiders’ food sources, such as other insects. If you do have a spider problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you identify the species and develop a plan for control.


Termites are a common pest in Arizona and can cause significant damage to homes and other wooden structures. They are most active during the summer months and can be difficult to detect until significant damage has already occurred. Common species of termites in Arizona include subterranean termites, drywood termites, and desert termites.

To prevent termite damage, it is important to have regular termite inspections performed by a pest control professional. Keep your home free of moisture, as this can attract termites. Eliminate wood-to-soil contact around your home, and seal cracks and crevices in walls and floors. If you do have a termite problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you develop a plan for control.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a common pest in Arizona, and they can be particularly difficult to eliminate once they establish themselves in a home or business. They are most commonly found in hotels and other travel accommodations, but can also be brought into homes on clothing and other belongings. Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, but their bites can be irritating and cause an allergic reaction in some people.

To prevent bed bugs, it is important to inspect hotel rooms and other travel accommodations before settling in. Keep your home clean and free of clutter, and inspect used furniture and clothing before bringing them into your home. If you do have a bed bug problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you develop a plan for control.

Arizona is home to a variety of bugs and pests that can be particularly prevalent during the summer months. To prevent and control these pests, it is important to keep your home clean and free of clutter, eliminate potential food and water sources, and seal cracks and crevices in walls and floors. If you do have a pest problem, it is best to contact a pest control professional to help you identify the species and develop a plan for control. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a pest-free summer in Arizona.